BUSINESS.GOV.NL - Starting your business in the Netherlands?
Business.gov.nl is the Point of Single Contact (PSC) for resident and foreign entrepreneurs who want to establish a business in or do business with the Netherlands. Business.gov.nl collaborates with several Dutch governmental and semi-governmental organisations to provide information about laws, rules and regulations, subsidies and more. For specific information, e.g. procedures and applications, we refer you to the partners of Business.gov. Together they offer a single unified answer from the Dutch public sector about doing business in the Netherlands..
! TIP Roadmap: Coming to the Netherlands as an Entrepreneur?
If you want to move to the Netherlands as an entrepreneur or self-employed person, there are several steps you should take. Depending on your nationality and how long you stay, you may need a visa or residence permit. Find out which steps apply to your situation >>>Do you have questions about HOW you apply the information from the Dutch (semi)government to your own specific situation as an entrepreneur in the Netherlands? Then you are most welcome to ask this in our forum Higherlevel.nl.
HigherLevel is a business forum meant for sharing small business advice among Dutch entrepreneurs. If you have already started or plan to start a business in the Netherlands, but (still) have insufficient knowledge of the Dutch language, you are more than welcome to HigherLevel’s dedicated section in English. You can use it for asking questions, help and inspiration, but we also like to invite you to help collegue entrepreneurs.
Come and join our community! Link top left on the small UK flag for English usability text. Get yourself registered and post a message. So that others may answer your question in English!Go to our board index and choose the board your subject is related to.
Please note: this forum aims at providing information of a high standard. Spam or commercial postings are not allowed and the common forum rules should be observed at all times. Please take note of these rules before posting.
We hope HigherLevel will inspire you to start or grow your business in the Netherlands!
The moderating team